Trial and Error

1 min readMay 20, 2021

Dive in and see if it works.

For most of the time, things I know right now that I can be proud of came from unplanned actions from the past.

I simply do the work and try it over and over again.

With the technology we have today, this is much feasible. If you have a question, google it.

If it doesn't work, redo it.

Most platforms now have created safe environments. This let new users experience the real thing without too much sacrifices.

eToro, Wix are just few of them.

I know you know more.

So there isn’t that much hindrances anymore to the phrase, “I can do that, I just need to learn and try”.

Whatever it is you want to do, try it.

Do it wrong, then do it again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

Failure isn’t the number of times you did it wrong.

It’s the absence of even trying.




A writer trying to be a better writer to be the best writer he can be.